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Company Benefits: How to correct your P11D and/or P11d(b)
Company Benefits: How to correct your P11D and/or P11d(b)
Kay North avatar
Written by Kay North
Updated over 10 months ago

Corrections to P11Ds and/or P11D (b) depends on whether or not your submission has been sent to HMRC.

To check the submission status of your P11D and/or P11D (b) in your PayFit app, select Report benefit in kind from the left hand menu and then select Submission status.

Correcting a P11D and/or P11D (b) after it has been confirmed in PayFit but before it has been submitted to HMRC.

If you discover an error in your P11D and/or P11D (b) after you have confirmed them in the app, but before it has been submitted to HMRC please contact your CCR via the help centre, detailing the error and how many employees it affects.

Your CCR will then assess the correction and advise you of the next steps for us to correct this for you.

Additional administrative charges will apply for a P11D and/or P11D (b) correction.

These charges cover the extra efforts required to process late submissions and process corrections. This is to ensure your benefits information is accurately updated.

  • Charge per P11D: £12

  • Minimum Charge: £200

  • Maximum Charge: £2000

Correcting a P11D and/or P11D (b) after it has been submitted to HMRC

Corrections to P11Ds and/or P11D(b) forms can't be submitted via commercial payroll software and must be submitted directly through your HMRC Government Gateway account.

For guidance about how to correct P11D/P11D(b) forms online, please refer to HMRC's guidance. It provides step-by-step instructions to help you make the corrections. If you encounter any difficulties accessing the system, please contact the HMRC Online Services Helpdesk at 0300 200 3600.

Correcting a P11D with HMRC

You must include all the benefits and expenses for the tax year for the relevant employee, not just the benefits you're changing.

HMRC example: You submitted a P11D showing a medical benefit of £300 and a car benefit of £2,100. The car benefit is correct, but the medical benefit should be £500. Submit a P11D showing both the medical benefit of £500 and the car benefit of £2,100.

Correcting a P11d(b) with HMRC

When submitting an online P11D(b) correction, you must use the total Class 1A National Insurance owed, rather than the difference between your earlier submission and the correction.

HMRC Example: If your initial online P11D(b) indicated a £10,000 payment due for Class 1A National Insurance, and you later discover you forgot an additional £500, your revised online P11D(b) should reflect the total amount as £10,500.

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