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Managing employees in a pension scheme
Managing employees in a pension scheme
Rebecca Russell avatar
Written by Rebecca Russell
Updated over 4 months ago

Whether you're adding employees to a pension scheme for the first time or switching an employee to a different pension scheme, this article explains how to add, postpone, and remove employees from pension schemes on an individual basis and in bulk.

Adding employees to a pension scheme

You need to add employees to the scheme if they are eligible for auto-enrolment or if they ask to join the pension scheme.

You'll receive a required action to let you know if an employee needs to be auto-enrolled. For further information about who needs to be enrolled, please refer to our Help Centre article.

Enrolling an employee through the required action

If an employee is eligible to be enrolled in your pension scheme, a required action appears in the notification area. To action this:

  1. From the top-left, click the notification bell.

  2. Under the automatic enrolment required action, click Verify information.

  3. Next to the relevant employee, click Actions.

  4. From the drop-down, choose Enrol in a scheme, then click Save.

  5. On the next window, toggle on the correct pension scheme to enrol the employee in.

  6. Check that the contribution rates are correct, then click Save.

Once you've enrolled the relevant employees, after a quick refresh of your browser, the required action disappears.

Adding an employee to a pension scheme

You can choose to add employees to a pension scheme, one at a time or in bulk.

To add an individual employee to a pension scheme:

  1. From the employee's record, click the Employment tab.

  2. Under the Pension contributions section, click Edit.

  3. Toggle on the correct pension scheme to enrol the employee in.

  4. Check that the contribution rates are correct, then click Save.

To add employees to a pension scheme in bulk:

  1. From the left, choose Pensions, then My schemes.

  2. Under the section for the relevant pension scheme, click Edit contributions.

  3. Download the template and complete it as follows:


Values to add

Include in pension scheme


Employee contribution type

Choose Percentage or Fixed amount.

Employee %

If you chose a Percentage employee contribution type, enter the relevant rate. Otherwise, leave this column blank.

Employee fixed amount

If you chose a Fixed amount employee contribution type, enter the relevant rate. Otherwise, leave this column blank.

Employer contribution type

Choose Percentage or Fixed amount.

Employer %

If you chose a Percentage employer contribution type, enter the relevant rate. Otherwise, leave this column blank.

Employer fixed amount

If you chose a Fixed amount employer contribution type, enter the relevant rate. Otherwise, leave this column blank.

Leave date

Leave blank.

Worker group

If you have one scheme with your pension provider, broken down into groups, enter the relevant group name.

Note that this must match your pension provider group name exactly and is case-sensitive.

4. Save the file, then drop it into PayFit.

5. Click Import data.

To check the status of the import, from the left, choose Imports, then Log.

Postponing an employee's enrolment

In some scenarios, an employee's enrolment can be postponed by up to three months. For more information about when you can postpone an employee, please refer to our Help Centre article.

You can set up a company policy to automatically postpone the enrolment of new eligible employees. To do this:

  1. From the left, choose Pensions then Auto-enrolment.

  2. Under the Automatic postponement section, click Edit.

  3. Choose to postpone by one, two, or three months, then click Save.

If you don't have a company policy set up, you can postpone an employee when they become eligible. In this case, a required action appears.

To postpone an individual employee:

  1. Click the notification bell in the top-left, then under the required action, click Verify information.

  2. Next to the relevant employee, click Actions.

  3. From the drop-down, choose Postpone enrolment, then click Next.

  4. Toggle on the Postpone enrolment option, then choose the date to defer the employee's automatic enrolment to.

  5. Click Save.

Tip: You can also postpone an employee's enrolment from their employee record.

Backdating pension contributions

If you have forgotten to enrol an employee or want to backdate their contributions for the months in which they were not enrolled, you will need to make some manual changes to action this.

  1. Check the settings of your pension scheme to determine whether your contributions are calculated on Base Pay or Gross Pay and whether you consider Standard Qualifying Earnings or any custom caps on the income.

  2. Find the pensionable income for the time period you would like to backdate the pension (including the current month).

  3. Multiply the amount by the percentages of employee and employer contributions (ie. 3% and 5%)

  4. Navigate to the employee profile and select the employment tab. Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the Pension contributions section.

  5. Click Edit and change the contribution method from percentage, to fixed amount.

  6. Input the calculated amounts into the contribution amount fields and save.

  7. Set a reminder to set the contributions back to percentages after running payroll.

Removing an employee from a pension scheme

If an employee asks to leave the pension scheme, you can remove them one at a time, or in bulk.

Tip: If an employee leaves the company, they'll be automatically removed from the pension scheme on the same date that their contract ends.

To remove an individual employee:

  1. From the employee's record, click the Employment tab.

  2. Under the Pension contributions section, click Edit.

  3. Untoggle the option for the pension scheme that the employee was in.

  4. Enter the date that the employee requested to leave the scheme, then click Save.

To remove employees from a pension scheme in bulk:

  1. From the left, choose Pensions, then My schemes.

  2. Under the relevant scheme, click Edit contributions.

  3. Download the template.

  4. For the relevant employees, in the Include in pension scheme column, select No.

  5. In the Leave date column, enter the date that the employee requested to leave the scheme.

  6. Save the file and drop it into PayFit.

  7. Click Import data.

To check the status of the import, from the left, choose Imports, then Log.

Note: If the employee opts out of the pension scheme within one month, their pension contributions so far should be refunded. Once you've removed the employee from the pension scheme, please refer to our Help Centre article for information about how to refund pension contributions. the left, choose Pensions, then My schemes.

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