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Setting up a pension scheme in PayFit
Setting up a pension scheme in PayFit

This article explains how to set up a pension scheme on PayFit.

Rebecca Russell avatar
Written by Rebecca Russell
Updated over a year ago

Once you have set up your pension scheme with your chosen provider, you then need to add this information to your PayFit account. If you need to add more than 5 schemes, please contact us for advice.

Pension schemes supported by PayFit

All pension schemes are supported by PayFit, however, depending on your pension provider, we may be able to upload the pension file for you or create the required file for you to upload yourself.

PayFit can upload pension files on your behalf for the following schemes:

  • AVIVA Workplace Pension

  • NEST

  • NOW: Pension

  • People's Partnership, previously The People's Pension (B&CE)

  • Smart pension

For full details on how to allow PayFit access to upload these files on your behalf, please refer to our Help Centre article.

For the following schemes, a file will be generated on running your payroll that can be used to upload directly to your pension provider's portal:

  • AEGON (ARC, Retiready, Smarterpay, Smartpay)

  • Ascot Lloyd Benefit Solutions

  • BCF Trust

  • Collegia

  • Cushon

  • Hargreaves & Lansdown

  • Legal and General

  • Penfold

  • Royal London

  • Scottish Widows and Scottish Widows AssistMe

  • Standard Life

  • The Creative Pension Trust

  • TPT Retirement Solutions

  • True Potential Investments

If your pension provider is not listed above, if you're able to provide a 'file specification template' from your pension provider, we may be able to add this to our list of supported providers. Please get in touch to discuss this further.

Adding a scheme

  1. From the left, choose Pensions, then My schemes.

  2. At the bottom, click Add new company pension scheme.

  3. From the Pension provider drop-down, select your pension provider.

  4. Type a Display name, this is how your pension scheme appears through the app.

  5. Choose whether or not the scheme is a qualifying scheme for automatic enrolment.

  6. For certain pension providers, PayFit can upload your pension files directly to your pension portal. If you've chosen one of these pension providers, you'll see an option for PayFit to submit your pension files on your behalf, if applicable, choose Yes. For further information about this, please refer to our Help Centre article.

  7. Click Next.

  8. From the Pay deduction method drop-down, choose the type of tax relief applicable to your pension scheme.

  9. From the Contribution should be based on drop-down, select the type of pensionable earnings.

  10. Finally, choose whether the pension calculation is based on full pay, qualifying earnings or if the calculation uses other thresholds.

  11. Depending on your pension provider, you may need to provide further pension scheme details to ensure your pension upload file includes all of the necessary details. If this is the case, please click Next, then refer to the following section. Otherwise, click Save.

Pension scheme information

On the final step of setting up your pension scheme, you'll be prompted for certain pension scheme details. These fields can differ between pension providers.

For guidance about where to find this information in your pension account, we have a few guides available here for common pension providers. If you're unsure of any details please contact your pension provider. Some details are case-sensitive and unless they match exactly, your pension upload will fail!

  • EmployerId: Also called a scheme ID - you can find this on your pension account

  • Group: if you have set up a group in your pension scheme enter the exact name here. If you have multiple groups then enter the main group here and for any employees in a different group, you can enter these later at an employee level. If you don't have a group you can leave this blank.
    E.g., Most employees are in the 'Standard Contributions' group and there are two directors in the 'Directors' group. You can enter 'Standard Contributions' at the company-level pension settings, then for the directors, enter this via their employee record, on the Employment tab, then under the Pension contributions section.

  • Frequency: This was selected when setting up your scheme with your pension provider. This should be visible on your pension portal.

  • Start of earnings period: This was selected when setting up your scheme with your pension provider.

  • Payment due date: This was also selected when setting up your scheme with your pension provider.

Adding Employees

Once you have set up your scheme and input all of the information it is now time to add employees to your scheme.

To add employees to a scheme in bulk:

  1. From the left, choose Pensions, then My schemes.

  2. Under the relevant scheme, click Edit contributions.

  3. Click Download a template.

  4. Complete the template with the employees who should be added to the scheme then save your file.

  5. Browse to your completed file then click Import data, then Yes, finish import.

To add employees to a scheme individually:

  1. From the employee's record, click the Employment tab.

  2. Under the Pension contributions section, click Edit.

  3. Here you can activate the toggle to include them in the scheme, and then enter their monthly contribution percentages/amounts.

  4. Click Save details.

For more information about who should be automatically enrolled, please refer to our Help Centre article.

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