Royal London Pensions File Upload
Who is this article for?
If your pension provider is Royal London and you wish to use files generated by PayFit to add your new joiners and make your contributions, then please read this article.
What will this article explain?
This article will take you through the steps needed to set up your Royal London account to match the files produced by PayFit. Once you've set this up, in future months, you can simply download files from your PayFit account and upload to your Royal London portal when adding new joiners and making monthly contributions.
Why do I need to change my Royal London account?
PayFit now automatically generates your New Joiner and Contribution files when you run payroll. This means you can process your pension files immediately after running your payroll! For these files to work you need to create a template for each file type, within your Royal London account to match the files produced by PayFit.
How do I create a template within my Royal London account?
You'll need to create a new template for both the New Joiner and Contribution files created by PayFit.
To download your Royal London files from PayFit, click Documents from the navigation menu on the left, then filter by Workplace Pension. You can then filter further by the current month.
Create a New Joiner template
Next we will create a template for the New Joiner file.
1. Log into your Royal London account and navigate to the Workforce tab along the top of the page.
2. Click on ADD WORKERS, then select IMPORT FILE.
3. Click Choose file and select the New Joiners file that you downloaded from PayFit earlier.
4. Select the Create new template from the file you’re importing checkbox, then click IMPORT FILE.
6. Using the drop-down menus, match the column headings in the Field column with the headings from the CSV file.
You don't need to add a heading in the CSV file for each of the options in the Field column. We have generated a file that has all of the required fields.
7. Don't forget to give the template a name. E.g. ‘PayFit New Joiners’.
8. Click CREATE TEMPLATE in the bottom right-hand corner.
You've now created your New Joiner template and can complete the processing of your New Joiner file.
Contribution Files
You will need to follow the exact same steps as above, but within a different section of your Royal London account.
1. Select the Contributions & payroll tab, then select MAKE A CONTRIBUTION.
2. Select IMPORT SCHEDULE, then you should arrive at this page 👇
3. Click Choose file, then select the Contributions file you downloaded from PayFit.
4. Select the Create new template from the file you’re importing box and then click IMPORT FILE.
5. As you did with the New Joiner template, using the drop-down menus, match the column headings in the Field column with the headings from the CSV file.
6. Give your template a name, e.g. ‘PayFit Contributions’.
You've now created your Contributions template and can complete the processing of your Contributions file.