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Re-enrolment in PayFit
Re-enrolment in PayFit
Rebecca Russell avatar
Written by Rebecca Russell
Updated over 5 months ago

Setting up re-enrolment

To ensure you don't miss your re-enrolment date, you must enter your enrolment and re-enrolment dates in your PayFit account.

Tip: If you're not sure of your enrolment dates, you can use The Pension Regulators online tool to find out.

To do this:

  1. From the left, choose Pensions, then Auto-enrolment.

  2. Click Set up my auto-enrolment.

  3. Select the statement that applies to you, then click Next.

  4. Enter your Duties start date, then click Next. Your Duties start date is either your staging date or the date your first worker started with the company.

  5. Enter your last re-enrolment date, or if it's less than three years since your Duties start date, enter your duties start date again.

  6. Enter your next re-enrolment date, then click Save.

Your account is now set up to remind you when it's time to complete your re-enrolment.

Completing re-enrolment

Note: You must re-enrol all eligible workers. Even if they have already asked not be re-enrolled.

In the month that your re-enrolment falls, you'll receive a Required action (bell icon) confirming that you need to complete your re-enrolment this month.

  1. From the left, choose Pensions, then Re-enrolment.

  2. Under the Re-enrolment section, you'll see a list of workers who are not already in a qualifying scheme. It also shows which of those workers are eligible to be re-enrolled.

  3. To re-enrol workers in bulk, click Edit re-enrolment, download the template and upload the completed file.

    Or to re-enrol workers individually,

    1. from their record, click the Employment tab.

    2. Under the Pensions section, click Edit and remember to include the enrolment date.

  4. Finally, under the Re-enrolment section, toggle on the Confirmation of re-enrolment completion option, then click Save.

Tip: Don't forget to set your next re-enrolment date under Pensions, then Auto-enrolment.

If PayFit manages the upload of your pension files, those workers will be re-enrolled into your pension scheme at the end of the month. If you upload your own pension files, you may need to re-enrol these workers with your pension provider and let them know you have completed your re-enrolment.

When you run your payroll, workers who have been enrolled will receive an enrolment letter.

Now that you've re-enrolled your workers, you can submit your re-declaration of compliance.

Submitting a re-declaration of compliance

Under the Re-declaration of compliance section, you'll see the information you need. Ssimply head to The Pension Regulator's online form to complete your re-declaration.

To learn more about the re-declaration of compliance and your deadlines for this, please refer to our Help Centre article.

To understand more about automatic enrolment and your duties as an employer, please refer to our Help Centre article.

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