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Managing unpaid leave
Rebecca Russell avatar
Written by Rebecca Russell
Updated over 4 months ago

Add unpaid leave for an employee

  1. From the employee's record, click the Leaves tab.

  2. Scroll down to the Other Leaves section, and click Add Other Leave.

  3. From the Type of leave drop-down, select Unpaid leave.

  4. Enter a reason for the leave, then select the relevant dates.

  5. Click Save.

Display unpaid leave separately on a payslip

By default, an employee's base pay is reduced when they take unpaid leave. However, if you'd like to display the unpaid leave separately to provide further detail to your employees, you can change this in your Company settings.

To do this:

  1. From the left, choose Company settings then Payroll set-up.

  2. Under the Leaves section, click Edit unpaid leaves.

  3. Toggle on the Show any unpaid leave deduction separately from base pay on payslip option.

  4. Click Save.

Once activated, the unpaid leave will appear on the employee's payslip as follows:

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