What is it?
Welcome to the PayFit Interactive Payslip, designed to guide you through making payroll changes effortlessly.
With this tool, you can click on any section of the payslip, such as overtime, income tax, benefit contributions and many more, and watch a video tutorial that walks you through how to input or update information correctly.
Interactive learning: Learn how to handle changes like salary updates, pension changes or deductions with confidence.
Step-by-step guidance: Each video tutorial provides clear instructions for making payroll updates
How does it work?
1) Highlight the payslip element you want to add.
2) Click to open, and then click on the 3 dots and select picture-in-picture. You can then enlarge the screen that appears to your desired size to view the video.
Try out PayFits interactive payslip (please note the page can take a minute to load).