If you upload a bulk import file and realise there's an error in the data, as an admin, you can reverse the bulk import. This removes the data from the current payroll, so you can simply import the correct data.
This applies to a lot of the bulk imports, although some can't be reversed, instead, they can be overridden.
Reverting an import
You can revert the following bulk imports:
Pay items
Assets transferred
Salary changes
Annual leave or sick leave
To revert one of the above import files:
From the left, choose Imports, then Log.
Find the incorrect import file, then click Details.
Click Revert import, then Revert import again.
Overriding an incorrect bulk import
If you make a mistake with any of the following bulk imports, you can simply upload a new file. This will replace the values uploaded from the previous file. This applies to the following bulk imports:
Private medical insurance, gym membership
Tax code, national insurance number or Payroll ID
Right to work information
Personal information and emergency contact information.
Bank account details
Annual leave settings
Time off in lieu
Previous employment
Payslip messages
Roles and cost centres