This article outlines your responsibilities as an employer when it comes to sending pension letters. PayFit can create these letters automatically, or you can use templates from The Pension Regulator's website.
Employer obligations
When an employee is automatically enrolled into a pension scheme, the employer must send the employee a letter or email confirming their enrolment status.
There are 3 types of auto-enrolment letters:
No enrolment
You must send the communication within six weeks of the date the employee becomes eligible, after any postponement periods have ended.
Set up automatic letters in PayFit
PayFit can generate automatic enrolment letters and store them in the employee's documents section of their employee space. To set this up:
From the left, choose Access & Emails, then Email Notifications.
Click Edit.
Activate the Pension letters toggle and click Save.
Once toggled on, PayFit will generate and send the pension letters on your behalf when you run your payroll.
Where the letters are stored
As an admin, to find the letters, from the left, choose Documents, then from the Document type drop-down, select Auto-Enrolment.
If your employees have access to the documents section in their employee space, they'll receive an email after you run the payroll. The email contains a link to the relevant pension letter. They'll also be able to see the letter stored in their employee space.
For more information about allowing access to the documents section in the employee space, please refer to our Help Centre article.
What the letters look like
The two images below show the letter sent by PayFit.
Auto Enrolment Letter
Postponement Letter
Can I change the text in the pension letter?
No, the pension letters are standard and can't be changed. If you'd prefer to personalise or change the format of the letter, you'll need to use The Pension Regulator's templates and distribute the letters. If you'd like to upload the letter to an employee's space, you can find more information about this in our Help Centre article.