Project time-tracking allows your employees to allocate their working hours (via the time tracking module) and their expenses (via the expenses module) to different projects they are working on.
For the administrator
This module is available in the left-hand menu by navigating to My team then Projects. You can create projects and select to include the relevant employees. It is also possible to select an entire team to add to a project. You have the option to choose a colour for each project, making it more visible in the calendar view.
Note: The hours recorded and submitted for projects are for reporting purposes only. They will not affect payroll, employee salaries, payslips, or work patterns in any way.
How to add a project
Available in the left-hand menu by navigating to My team section - Projects - Add a project and follow the steps.
You can then add the project code, add employees, rename the project or even add a relevant module.
Import projects codes
To import multiple project codes at once, start by downloading the template file. Click Import, then select Download a baseline. Fill out the template with your project codes, then upload it back to complete the import.
Note: Please do not modify the template in any way, otherwise the import will not be accepted.
For the employee
Employees can enter the number of hours they have spent on a project in their personal space using the Time tracking section, where they can assign their working times to the relevant project code. A full guide is available here.
Working time tracking
When the employee adds their working time from the calendar view or from the list view, they can choose the time spent on a project code. They can then decide to apply these times to all days of the week by selecting the Apply to all week.
The employee can also reproduce the schedules for the entire month by selecting Apply this split to all the weeks of the current month.
The Administrator or manager can view the details of the time spent on a project per employee each month from the category My team and Project time tracking, Actions and See details.
As an Administrator or manager, you can also export the report by clicking on Export, for a full report of all the hours submitted for each employee and the period.
Expenses reports
The employee can add their expenses and assign them to a project they are working on. For its part, when the administrator exports the expenses reports, an additional column provides information, where applicable, on the project assigned to each expense.